Tuesday 29 January 2008


Night-time activities here in York are quite enjoyable. Living in the city-proper makes walking to any of the 365 (I do not exaggerate) pubs within the city a breeze. Everything is within close proximity and is quite inviting. Small shops line the streets at a scale unlike what you will find in the U.S.. As well, there is a decidedly ancient feel to the area (and rightly so!) .

The city was founded as "Eboracum" in AD 71 by the Romans. The town itself is nearly 2000 years old. Talking with the locals proves to be amusing as they just throw around dates as though a 2000 year old village is nothing to get excited about. Don't get me wrong though. I suppose one looks past the fact after a while. Nevertheless, the bustle of modern activity goes about its business with a decidedly different tone here in York as if almost chastened by the sheer ancientness of a city with a history more rich than just about any place on earth.


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York, Yorkshire, United Kingdom
"My sense of the holy is bound up with the hope that some day my remote descendants will live in a global civilization in which love is pretty much the only law." -Richard Rorty (see Jürgen Habermas' obituary for Rorty here:http://www.signandsight.com/features/1386.html.)